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What's the Days Out team excited for in October?

What're the team gonna be up to this month? You're about to find out...

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October is a cult-favourite month. That perfect time of year, before the dark nights aren’t so romantic anymore and the rain has turned the once-crispy orange leaves into something resembling soggy cornflakes – ah, autumn.

Without further ado, here’s what our team is especially excited for this month.


“Ooh I love everything about October! I'm definitely looking forward to having a Twilight marathon, the smell of bonfires and cosy activities like going to a pumpkin patch.”

Pumpkin patches, an undeniable October activity, we simply cannot disagree with you there. And of course, the season of Twilight, every GenZ /Millennial's favourite – the rest of the Days Out team stand united with you.


“Definitely slippers and cosy jumpers. We absolutely love Halloween in our house, and we transform the front of the garage with spooky music, decks, ghosts, and of course a lot of sweets. We also do mulled wine for the grownups.”

Another cosy one, we’re becoming as predictable as Fast and Furious, aren’t we? At least one of the team actually mentioned Halloween, y’know the main event of October?


“Marathon 22. Anything under 5 hours would be a miracle considering the lack of training!”

Neil is our token health king, the rest of us aren’t super-keen on exercise – he really balances us out.


“October is my birthday month! 25th! Wooooop! So, looking forward to that! It's also my youngest kiddos birthday on the 19th. Also.... Going snowboarding mid-October to see what that's all about. Should be fun!”

We love a birthday in the office – especially when it serves as an excuse to bring in tonnes of snacks and cakes. And a kiddo-birthday too?! What a wonderful month for the Sean family.


“Everyone else is excited about getting cosy but I can’t wait to get a bit more sun on my trip to Las Vegas next week! I’ll be presenting at a conference over there which feels completely surreal and is definitely going to be the highlight of my month (if not my year).”

Bit of a humble brag there, but the rest of us are chuffed for you Bee and Catherine (who is also attending). While you guys are catching some sun – and working hard, of course – we'll be watching the rain trickle down our windows, counting down the days until you come back to us...


“Being able to wear scarves (& autumn clothes in general), September weather is that weird in-between temperature where you're always dressed wrong.”

Now, I know you’re saying that now, but we already know Ellie will come into the office complaining about the cold in approximately three-weeks' time – place your bets now people.

At Days Out, you can book the UK’s best attractions (y’know the proper FOMO inducing ones?) -- we know where’s perfect for you. Find your next adventure.