The Handy Stuff

We’re helping you save some cash with these day out tricks

With the cost-of-living skyrocketing higher every time you turn on the news, getting out of the house for a good old day out seems like a luxury of the past – but that doesn’t have to be the case.

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These tips and tricks will help ease off the pressure. Going on a day out (no matter how near, far, fancy or modest) should never be a burden. Either way, who doesn’t like a cheap day out?

Book In-advance

This will always always always save you some money. Booking an attraction online (even just a few days before) will save you a fair few pennies.

As an example, SEA LIFE London is £29 booked in advance, and £32 on the day – and if you’re thinking ‘it’s only three quid’, then you need to channel your inner Tesco. Every little really does help – they were so right.

And just imagine how much booking in-advance will save you with the big guns – AKA Thorpe Park, Alton Towers and Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

Bring a Picnic

This is an oldie but goldie. It’s literally the most-known day out fact that attraction have the busiest and sometimes overpriced (not to mention, disappointing) dining options. So, bringing your own scran can be a lifesaver, even in the cooler months.

Thank God for thermal food and drink storage. Sausage rolls and Mini pizzas that are still warm? Winner. A steamy brew while taking in some spectacular views? Couldn’t ask for more.

Check out attraction facilities before you go because some of them are generous enough to offer a lunchroom - or do as this legend does and eat-while-you-queue.

This handy tip is for Thorpe Park

Do your research

Knowing what to expect from your day out can prevent some (rather unpleasant) surprises – y'know the ones where you wanna rip your hair out ‘n’ tell the kids to bugger off? Let’s be proactive and prevent them, shall we?

We’re talking about the true insider tips you’ll need to know before you go. And who would’ve guessed it? We have the perfect solution – this definitely isn’t a shameless self-promo.

Each of our attractions has a handy dandy ‘tips’ section – it's like a review section that’s actually helpful. People who have actually been there leave their top tips – e.g., ‘The gift shop is expensive, avoid like the plague’, ‘Bring a butty, their sausage rolls look ill’ etc.

Book multi tickets where possible

If you’re touring bigger cities, keep an eye out for multi-ticket offers. Or, as we like to call them, the perfect opportunity to visit all the big attractions – with a decent discount.

One of our favourites is The Blackpool BIG ticket which gets you into 6 big attractions (SEA LIFE, Madame Tussauds, Blackpool Tower Eye, Blackpool Ballroom, Blackpool Circus and the Blackpool Dungeon) - all for £56.50 per adult, instead of a whopping £103.45 when booked separately – I mean if that’s doesn’t get a grumpy, under-slept parent to smile, we don’t know what will.

Other cities have these too – this is a vital one in London; we all know how spenny the capital can get. Luckily for you we also have an ultimate guide to save cash in the capital.

Hungry for more bargain day out tips? Visit our money saving hub for more handy dandy tricks like these.

What did you think of them? Think you’ve got better tips? Share them with us: [email protected]

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