Senior Designer

I'm a big lover of design, architecture and rollercoasters. Big family guy who loves getting out with the kids, wife and the dog (providing he behaves himself). Looking for someone to geek over what SW9 at Alton Towers might be? Let's chat!

Profile Pic team-photos/sean.png
[email protected]

Sean Holt

Senior Designer

I'm a big lover of design, architecture and rollercoasters. Big family guy who loves getting out with the kids, wife and the dog (providing he behaves himself). Looking for someone to geek over what SW9 at Alton Towers might be? Let's chat!

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The Handy Stuff

So, When do UK Theme Parks Reopen in 2023?

Are you counting down the days until your favourite theme parks reopen? Us too, don't worry. Here are the dates to get in your calendar.

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Fun Stuff

Our Fav Things to do During February Half Term

Looking for something new to do during February half-term? We've got plenty of ideas to keep you busy.

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