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Netflix and Chill is Cancelled: Here are 4 Fun Date Ideas

Keeping the romance alive has never been so difficult... We reckon you should mix things up with our epic date ideas.

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Fed up of mediocre dinner dates and underwhelming weekends? We’ve got you well and truly sorted then.

Finding a new (and not completely dull) date spot can be a challenge and a half, that’s why we’ve put our minds to work finding you the next places that should host date night. You're welcome, lovebirds.

Amp up the competition with an active date

Every relationship needs a sprinkle of (healthy) competitiveness, right? Whether that’s in the form of a darts competition, a mini-golf battle or pub quiz – it’s up to you. We reckon any date night that leads you to search for the best method of destroying your partner, is the best kind.

Why not try out the Royal Marines-inspired Assault Course (included with every ticket) at Bear Grylls Adventure after taking part in some axe throwing or archery? We reckon this is the perfect competitive task for any couple.

Share a mindful moment with a creative date

Pretty much the antithesis of the previous date idea, this one consists of finding your inner calm – if that’s even possible. Think pottery painting, flower arranging or baking together. Now, we can’t promise that there won’t be any conflicts, stressors or spats during these activities, but it’s worth a shot, right?

If you’re not creatively inclined (and this sort of thing typically induces you with anxiety), try to think of it as making yourself a gift – even if it ends up looking nothing like what you’d intended (you’ve always wanted a pottery dog that looks like a strange horse, right?)

Get some fressshhhhh air with an outdoorsy date

We all know the term, ‘get some fresh air’, although it’s commonly used by parents as a reminder on why binging Netflix shows isn’t a good use of time. But there really is something therapeutic (and sometimes even, fun?) about getting outside. We’re not talking about a mountain hike or river rafting BTW, a walk at the local park or beach usually does the job.

Struggling to think of somewhere new to go? Head to the National Trust’s website and search by location, or the kind of outing you fancy – yes, it really is that simple (and they usually have a good café too, just saying).

Learning is the new clubbing, duh. Why not try a museum date?

If the idea of spending the day at the museum doesn’t appeal to you, think of it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge for future pub quizzes – sounds more promising, doesn’t it? Besides, you don’t need to go to some tedious museum and learn about the history of lawnmowers (a real museum in Southport, if you fancied a visit), you can go to super cool and interactive museums. We also have the 411 on the UK's best educational days out, in case you were interested.

If you want the educational benefits of a museum with a little more... Realism? You should really go to The Dungeons, they're scattered across the country (Blackpool, London, York and Edinburgh) and really pack a spooky punch to the gruesome history of the UK.

At Days Out, you can book the UK’s best attractions (y’know the proper FOMO inducing ones?) -- we know where’s perfect for you. Find your next adventure.