Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff Ain’t Just for Kids – Here’s Some Day Out Ideas for Adults That Aren’t Boring

Who said there's nothing fun for adults to do on a day out? We've found plenty of goodies.

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Being an adult comes with pro's and con's. Like if you want to go a midnight trip to the shop for snacks, you can - that's a pro. But then there's bills and cleaning and all that stuff, they're the cons. It's part and parcel.

One con we're not settling for though is that there's fewer fun things for adults to do on a day out. We're simply not having it. Don't believe us? We've got some ideas that'll be sure to keep you entertained.

If you’re looking for a bargain day out (or some tips and tricks for saving cash), check out our money-saving day out tips and our guide to planning a killer (and free) scavenger hunt.

Spa Day

Nothing sounds more grown up than telling your friends you can’t come to the pub this weekend because you’ve got a spa trip booked, right?

Seriously it’s the ultimate treat. We already know some of you are tutting, saying ‘I just don’t see the appeal in a stranger rubbing my back in a sweaty room’ - we hear you. But who says you have to get a massage? Kicking back in a sauna, hot tub or swimming pool is pretty relaxing if you ask us – there's just something about floating your troubles away that hits different.

Escape Room

This is a great option for something to do on rainy days and a great bonding activity. Or a swift reason to never speak to a someone ever again – it really can go either way.

There are loads of different themes to escape rooms. We're a big fan of the one at Bear Grylls Advenutre, it follows the story of a missing inventor in the Victorian era. Plus, you get access to the Royal Marines-inspired assault course that's there too. We love a freebie. And some healthy competition.

Bottomless Brunch

If you’re a booze drinker, this is a prime opportunity to have a fair few drinks early in the day. But if you’re not a booze drinker, you’ll be pleased to know that some bottomless brunch venues simply offer bottomless food and soft drinks (it's normally cheaper, too).

If you’re thinking, ‘bottomless brunch sounds like a basic weekend plan’, you’re not wrong. But you can well and truly be ‘one of those people’ by adding a theme to your brunch – encourage everyone to come in a slightly ridiculous costume or theme and you’ve got a pretty unusual weekend ahead.


Who said museums are boring? You’re right. A lot of people say museums are boring. But that shouldn’t put you off – some museums really put in the leg work to be a fun and educational day out.

Whether you head to a more general museum, exploring the history of the Ancient Egyptians, the Romans and the Dinosaurs or find a really niche option (we’re thinking more like the Cumberland Pencil Museum – yes it exists, yes you should go), you’re bound to have a fun day out.

Sports Day

We all have an inner child inside of us and our inner child wants to relive sports day, okay? Find a big open space (the park works perfectly), pray that the weather plays ball and channel your Year 4 self. Do all the classic races like sack, egg and spoon, three-legged, then add a couple of extras (spinning round on the spot then carrying a tray of wine glasses down a track is guaranteed laughs). You could even do a cheeky game of rounders.

Split the group up into teams - everyone loves a bit of competition. You could even each throw a few quid in which the winning team win for the first round at the pub. Everyone loves a free drink too.

At Days Out, you can book the UK’s best attractions (y’know the proper FOMO inducing ones?) -- we know where’s perfect for you. Find your next adventure.