Our guide to the best days out in York

An eye-popping cathedral. Romantic tumbledown alleyways. Nose-curling Viking scents. There’s loads to see, do, and smell in York.

The York Dungeon

With a weird (but strangely wonderful) mix of horror and history, York Dungeon is scary without being totally nightmarish. It’s exciting too – there’s... Keep reading

Days out in York

Whether you’re squeezing through the leaning buildings of the Shambles (the real-life Diagon Alley from Harry Potter) or channelling your inner Norse warrior at the JORVIK Centre, Yorkshire’s county town is definitely a bit different.

Cool things for kids include the rollercoasters and Nigerian dwarf goats (yup, that’s a thing) at The Web Adventure Park, and York Dungeon’s 2000 years of horrible history. You’ll love chilling out with a beer (or gin) in the 18th-century Eagle and Child pub. And everyone loves stuffing themselves at York’s Chocolate Story.

And for something a bit different? Hunker down in a 60s Cold War bunker, buy your own spook at York Ghost Merchants, or snap a selfie at Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate (ooh-er Missus!). With more attractions per square inch than lots of bigger cities, York’s a great place to get away for a weekend.

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Our top tip for a great day out in York

Dubbed the most haunted city there ever was, watch out for ghouls and ghosts lurking along the city walls and cobbled streets.

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