Our guide to the best days out in Aylesbury

Now this is our kinda market town - check it out.

Waddesdon Manor

Ever wondered how you’d splurge once you’ve made your fortune? In the 19th century, Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild blew his Benjamins on this French-Renaissance... Keep reading

Days out in Aylesbury

As market towns go, this one in Buckinghamshire's got a lot to offer – especially if you’re a fan of the countryside. It’s right near the Chiltern Hills (an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, thank you very much), and is the namesake of the Vale of Aylesbury.

But it turns out there’s even more to Aylesbury than vast agricultural land. The old town’s got lovely Georgian, Tudor and Jacobean buildings, the canal basin and Vale Park are perfect for walks and picnics, and you can pick up vegan treats and craftwork at regular markets.

Young kids love the Zoomania soft play area and the Roald Dahl Children’s Gallery (part of the Bucks County Museum) while Flip Out keeps teens happy for hours (there’s laser quest, mini golf, and indoor ice skating).

And there’s more: take a drive out to Waddesdon Manor and you’ll see one of the fanciest French-Renaissance houses in the country.

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A random fact for ya

Aylesbury’s famous for its ducks, which are now raised all over the world. They’ve got really plump bodies and long necks, apparently.

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